Summer boots — is that a thing, you might be asking? It definitely is. And while you may not think of boots as the perfect summer footwear, they can be! We’re here to show you how. We’ll also offer some practical tips on keeping those boots fresh and clean through the dog days of summer.
Boots can be a fantastic way to supplement your summer looks. Plus, they’ll give your feet more protection in places like concerts and dance parties (if you’ve never had your toes stomped on by a particularly vigorous dancer right next to you, consider yourself lucky!). Movie theaters tend to over-crank the air conditioning in the warm months, so boots can be a great way to keep your toes warm without having to resort to wrapping a sweater around your sandaled feet. Those of us who love our boots know that boots simply look and feel great. So there’s no reason to give them up in the warm months.
Plus, Vogue has called 2016 “the year of the cowboy boots.” And Glamour UK agrees. So there you go — if it’s a full YEAR of cowboy boots, you can’t be expected to stop wearing them in the summer now, can you?
Dress ‘Em Up

There’s a reason why fashion mags love the throwback Western photo spread. You know what we mean: Flirty dresses paired with cowboy boots, maybe some hay bales in the background, sun low on the horizon, everything cast over with a warm yellow tint. So what outfits go best with cowboy boots in the summer? Pretty much any. (One exception might be your workout clothes, but if you want to try rocking some boots with your yoga pants, we won’t judge!).
We’ll start with the classic rule: Short with long, and long with short.

Wear shorts, rompers, shorter dresses and skirts with longer boots. That gives your legs a great sense of proportion and is very flattering. For longer skirts, dresses, jumpsuits, and pants, break out your booties. Roll pants and jeans above or around your ankle to show some skin, and show off the tops of those shorter boots.
Does this mean you can’t pair a long skirt with a pair of knee-high boots? Of course not. Rules are meant to be broken, so play around with whatever looks best on your body.
That might mean a breezy, ankle-length skirt with clunky cowboy boots. Or, it might mean jean shorts with your favorite pair of ankle-skimming booties.
Simple summer dresses and skirts can get a nice boost from being paired with fun boots. You can accessorize with a belt, or let the dress / skirt swing free.
For more ideas, Pinterest is a great source of ideas on how to pair boots with summer outfits.
Touchy Feely

Textures and colors in the summertime are different than in the colder months. So while a thick cable-knit sweater looks great with jean shorts paired with thick tights onto which you pull your vintage brown cowboy boots, go for lighter looks and feels in spring and summer. We’re not saying you can’t wear your brown and black boots in the summertime, but pair them with lighter options up top. A breezy pastel summer dress, for example, or a great pair of crisp white linen pants. And if you’re feeling extra fun and adventurous, how about a pair of white cowboy boots for those summertime months?
Jean Shorts

Yes, we felt these deserved their own category. These are always a classic, though their length and looks may change. But whether you’re into a higher or lower rise and shorter or longer seams, they look fabulous when paired with boots. Pair your jean shorts with a baggy white t-shirt and cowboy boots, whether short or long, for a western-inspired look. Or, go for a more urban feel with a black t-shirt on top and short black booties on your feet.
Sleeveless shirts are also great for especially hot weather, and depending on the look you’re going for, you can either tuck your tops into your shorts or go untucked. For a more put-together look, you can add a classic belt and a button-down shirt (add a tank top underneath if you want to leave some buttons undone).
Check out more ideas on how to pair shorts and jeans via the Slightly Overcaffeinated Blog.
Pants and Jeans

If you live in a climate with a more moderate / cooler summer, you can pair your favorite skinny jeans with lighter tops and boots for an everyday chic look. Tuck the jeans into your boots if you want to show those boots off, or, if your boots are shorter, roll your jeans just above the shaft of the boot.

Fun ankle boots with straps, buckles, and fringes are great for the summer. Pair these with simple dresses to make those boots stand out even more.
Keep ‘Em Clean and Fresh
Socks or, if you want a more minimalist look, shoe liners, are a must when wearing boots in the summer. It’s better for your feet and toes to have a layer of fabric between your flesh and the boot material. It’s also better for the boots, especially if they’re made out of leather — sweat isn’t great for leather, and the constant rubbing may give you blisters AND wear down the leather.
Get your boots in tiptop shape first before you start assembling your fantastic summer outfits. (Head to Expert Leather Care for Your Boots for our tips and tricks.)
If you wear your boots during summer rainstorms, let them dry naturally. Check out our blog post on rain care for your boots for an in-depth dive into how to deal with boots that have gotten rained on or soaked through.

And finally, our Boot Butler is a great way to store summer boots, of course! The air circulation they’ll get right down to the tippy toes is wonderful after a long day of wearing your boots out and around town or country.
Hang them up in your closet on the Boot Butler; you can also run a dry rag over them to get rid of any dust and debris that they’ve picked up. The boots will be out of the way, and nice and fresh in the morning, ready for new and fabulous summer outfits.