All About Different Types of Boot Heels

We’re obsessed with boots here at Boot Butler (obviously!) and so today are going to take a look at a very important part of all footwear: the heel. We’re going to focus on cowboy boots since we know that lots of you have at least one pair. Or perhaps...

Keep Your Winter Boots In Tip Top Shape

When the weather outside is frightful, as the holiday song goes, but you have to be — or want to be — outside, there’s little better than a great pair of winter boots that keep your feet warm and dry. Winter boots are tough and rugged but need proper care to be...
Caring For Your Winter Boots

Caring For Your Winter Boots

Winter is the season for boot enthusiasts to break out their collections and really enjoy them. It’s also the season of snow, slush, and salt covered surfaces – all of which can cause considerable damage to boots of all types. Learning to properly care for and...
How Hanging Boot Clips Can Hurt Your Boots

How Hanging Boot Clips Can Hurt Your Boots

People searching for options to store their boots in an organized, careful manner often come across the option of purchasing hanging boot clips to use within their closet storage system. On the surface, this seems like a reasonably priced option that’s simple to put...